The Gather My Crew app

Our app has made it easy for thousands of Australians to ask for and coordinate help during tough times.

Life can be hard sometimes

Challenges like illness, accidents, loss, injury, natural disasters, or relationship breakdowns, can leave us feeling overwhelmed and alone.

In these tough times, the support of others is crucial, yet asking for help or organising it can feel daunting. That’s where our tools and resources come in.

We help you create a support crew – a circle of friends, family, neighbours, and community members – ready to offer practical and emotional assistance.

From organising meals and transport to managing household tasks or just being there to listen, our free app transforms offers of help into meaningful, coordinated support.

Getting started

Feeling overwhelmed is a common reaction to hardship. But you don’t have to do it alone. You can join the 80% of users who enlist the help of a family member or close friend to be their App Captain.

Gather your Crew

Invite people to join your Crew. Think of friends, family and anyone who’s offered to help. Choose people from your phone contacts to send an SMS invite.

Identify help opportunities

When you’re overwhelmed, it’s often hard to suggest ways others can help. Our handy 1 minute questionnaire can help. We’ll use your answers to build a list of common help requests, outlined in your Help List.

Create tasks

To ask for help, create a task. Easily choose a commonly requested task from your Help List. Or write your own.

Shared calendar

The description, date and time of your tasks will be added to the shared calendar and published task list.

In-app messaging

In-app messaging

You can use in-app messages to send updates, upload photos and share materials for specific tasks, such as shopping lists or recipes.

“Wednesday is my day off. So I’d be more than happy to walk the dog.”

“I’ll take Anna’s kids with mine to school. Easy since they’re so close by”

How the app works

User Stories

Real stories, from real people

She went to bed feeling completely overwhelmed and woke to find every task she listed the day before had been accepted by friends just waiting to be asked.
A story about asking for help
Our daughter Audrey is 7 yrs old. She is such a beautiful and precious girl, who has endured multiple brain surgeries…
Jacinta’s Story
Recently, I lost my brother, Joseph, to prostate cancer. Over the last months of his life, he became more dependent on me… I was struggling.
Monica’s Story
My story began mid-May 2022. I was 37 years of age, and with very mild symptoms, was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer.
Chanel’s Story
After many tests and scans I heard the words nobody wants to hear, “You have cancer”. From there my world fell apart…
Faye’s Story
Over the past 5 years, Lisa has been the main carer for her ageing parents who live in the same rural town.
Lisa’s Story


Download the app right now

Our app has made it easy for thousands of Australians to ask for and coordinate help during tough times.

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Gather My Crew
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Download the Gather My Crew App

Our app is now available on android and iPhone devices. Visit the GooglePlay Store or AppStore to download the new app!

New users

Learn how to can utilise our technology and resources to provide support that truly makes a difference.

Existing users

Transfer your Crew over to the new app for a better user experience, if you would like to keep using the existing web app – you can.