I first heard about your app from a friend from school. I was in need of someone to liaise with our amazing support network.
Our daughter Audrey is 7 yrs old and has TSC (Tuberous Sclerosis Complex), Epilepsy and ASD. She is such a beautiful and precious girl, who has endured multiple brain surgeries.
This latest was to remove a brain tumour.
The app allowed us to let people know our needs both at RCH in Melbourne and at our home in Geelong.
The app allowed me to give updates but also took away the constant need to reply to everyone which is very exhausting.
I loved that I could create different Info boards, for those who wanted updates, wanted to pray and a very special one, those who wanted to donate to our daughters “bunny fund”.
I had previously created chat group where I could update people on our daughter as she went through surgeries but had never seen anything like your app before.
It was easy to use, although I did have the blessed problem of not being able to fit everyone into one group. This posed more work and logistical issues with a few weeks of 2 lots of meals being delivered. But I really can’t complain.
In all this, the app was a huge blessing.