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Every now and then, we all need a little help

When that person is somebody we care about, we’re eager to lend a hand. If that’s you, our free app and resources can help you to provide meaningful support.

We want to help, but don’t know what to do

It can be heartbreaking to watch someone we care about go through illness, accident, death, relationship breakdown or other challenging times. We often want to help, but our thoughts can get in the way.

But with the right tools and resources, we can help you overcome your concerns and provide meaningful help.

It’s our goal to normalise the act of helping and build support crews of family and friends around all people going through tough times. 

The right help at the right time makes all the difference

Our free app can be used to coordinate a ‘support crew’ of friends and family for someone doing it tough.

The app can be managed by the person in need or by someone who cares about them. 

How to use the app

User Stories

Real stories, from real people

The sudden passing of my husband in August last year came as an awful shock to me and my family…
Debbie’s Story
She went to bed feeling completely overwhelmed and woke to find every task she listed the day before had been accepted by friends just waiting to be asked.
A story about asking for help
It was a few days after I had gutted our laundry and bathroom when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was overwhelming…
Stephanie’s Story
Anyone can be THAT person. The one who puts their hand up to coordinate help for someone needing support.
Jacqueline’s Story
Within a couple of hours, we had a whole group of people who had been organised to drop off meals, take the girls to school…
Rachel’s Story
We have no immediate family living nearby, so the support we received was invaluable and lasted for months.
Caroline’s Story


Download the app right now

Our app has made it easy for thousands of Australians to ask for and coordinate help during tough times.

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Gather My Crew
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Download the Gather My Crew App

Our app is now available on android and iPhone devices. Visit the GooglePlay Store or AppStore to download the new app!

New users

Learn how to can utilise our technology and resources to provide support that truly makes a difference.

Existing users

Transfer your Crew over to the new app for a better user experience, if you would like to keep using the existing web app – you can.